Latest News

  • Annual Dinner 2024

    We are making a break with tradition this year. The formality of earlier dinners will be replace by a much more relaxed buffet in a friendly and recently-refurbished pub. We welcome all former pupils and staff to join us on Thursday 12th September at the Queen Vic

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  • AGM 2024

    Our 2024 AGM was again held via Zoom, with 6 members attending, on 15th May 2024. Click HERE for the agenda and draft minutes of our meeting. Click

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  • OB News is now digital!

    The first digital edition of OB News was published in January 2022. You can now view all our digital editions HERE. And the printed editions from 1999 are available to view/download H

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  • OB News: Final Print Edition

    The final printed edition of Old Buckwellians News was published in November 2021. In future, news and information will continue to be circulated by email. If you are not on our mailing list (or are not sure if we have the correct address) please contact

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  • BHCHS Network: time for change

    In July 2021, we decided that it is time to make an important change in the way we continue the network of former pupils and staff from BHCHS. We sent details in a message to all email addresses in our database. You may not have seen the message if we didn't hold a valid email address. We

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  • BHCHS Documentary

    Our long-awaited documentary has now been released. BHCHS: The Politics of Education is  a 30 minute film that charts the history of the school and events leading to its demise. Click on the image below to view the film.  

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  • My Dad's a Policeman

    My Dad’s a Policeman by Robert Druce (BHCHS 1940-47) This superbly written autobiography chronicles the childhood and teenage years growing up in Loughton before and during the War. The author was one of the ablest,

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  • Join our Facebook Group

    Our Facebook page is a great way to share news and nostalgia. We now (as at April 2024) have almost 1,000 members in the group.  If you have never tried Facebook you may get a pleasant surprise. Click

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(e.g. Smith)
(e.g. Football)