In July 2021, we decided that it is time to make an important change in the way we continue the network of former pupils and staff from BHCHS. We sent details in a message to all email addresses in our database. You may not have seen the message if we didn't hold a valid email address.
We'd really like everyone to see this message so please click HERE to view it.
I am delighted to report that while there is inevitably a certain level of disappointment that we shall be ceasing publication of OB News after the final edition (November 2021), most of the many messages I have received support the decision.
At the time of writing this, two weeks after the message was sent, we have had more than 60 new members joining our Facebook Group.
Furthermore, I am delighted that the volume and quality of material arriving for publication is amazing. There are more than 70 items so far.
If you didn't receive the message of 1st July and you would like to keep in contact with us, and receive the final edition of OB News, please send me a message. I shall be delighted to hear from you. Click HERE for my email address.
Graham Frankel
All of the content on this site has been researched and provided by past pupils of Buckhurst Hill County High School. We are always interested in adding to this resource and ensuring the accuracy of the information on the site, so if you have further details regarding information on this page please click here.
If you have information that has not been allocated a page or you are unsure where it should go please click here.
Membership includes the bi-annual newsletter, and invitations to the Annual Dinner and other Network events.