History of the OBA

The Old Buckwellians Association has outlived the school by more than two decades, but over the years it has not enjoyed as much plain sailing as did its alma mater. There have been periods of growth and success, but there have also been a major white elephant, crisis meetings, near bankruptcy, and the mysterious disappearance of the Chairman and all the official records. There were times when the main Association might well have sunk without trace but for the efforts of a few stalwarts.

However, the respect and affection held for Buckhurst Hill County High School by large numbers of its alumni, tempered by affront and dismay at its unwarranted closure, has provided the glue which has held OBA together. This continuing attachment has also enabled it to expand its membership dramatically and to enjoy considerable stability and success in recent years. Eighty percent of members joined since 1990, and prior to that probably had little or no idea what was happening to the Association, or even that it still existed.

The history of the former pupils’ association, which has previously been serialised in Old Buckwellians News, can be read by clicking on the following links. It is based on the best available information, from various written sources and from the contributions of a number of Old Bucks.

Chronological by Decade :-

Part 1 — 1940s "Maiden Voyage"

Part 2 — 1950s

Part 3 — 1960s "Stormy Waters"

Part 4 — 1970s "Into Calmer Seas"

Part 5 — 1980s and ‘90s

Part 6 — 21st Century "Full Steam Ahead"

Appendix :-

Part 7 —  History by Topics

Comprises the following topics :- Sport,  Annual Dinners, Subscriptions & Finance, Newsletters & Magazines, Organisation & Governance




All of the content on this site has been researched and provided by past pupils of Buckhurst Hill County High School. We are always interested in adding to this resource and ensuring the accuracy of the information on the site, so if you have further details regarding information on this page please click here.

If you have information that has not been allocated a page or you are unsure where it should go please click here.


Are you involved?

Membership includes the bi-annual newsletter, and invitations to the Annual Dinner and other Network events.

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Buckhurst Hill County High School