Class Photos 1960s onwards

Class photos from 1960s onwards will be posted here. After the 1950s relatively few photos were taken of class groups, but any contributions to our archives are always welcome.

Class 5 Beta 1961

This photo, taken by Martin Bone, appeared in an article written for Old Buckwellians News, May 2006, by Trevor Ireland.

1. Don Groombridge 4. Dave Lacy 7. "Bernie" White 10. John James 13. Roger Farrow
2. Chris Dover 5. Michael Littleton 8. Barry Eastwood 11. Brian Overy  
3. Brian Tarry 6. Bill Munday 9. Trevor Ireland 12. Bob Cumber (?)  



Class of 1973 - this was taken outside the Three Colts, near Buckhurst Hill Station

1. Paul Battagliola 5. Scott Gibson 9. Keith Alexander 13. Kevin Blogg 17. Andy Barton
2. John Rawles 6. Rick Walker 10. Rob Buchan 14. Nigel Salter 18. Mick Canby
3. Nick Twaites 7. Ted O'Day 11. Julian Taylor 15. David Williams 19. Nigel Bielby
4. Rob Wilson 8. Graham Tremain 12. Peter Bennett 16. John Gwalter 20. Adrian Ayley


The photos below are all from the post-1980 period when our sixth form was combined with that of Loughton CHS. The Loughton CHS website has numbered versions of some of these photos so you are welcome to look in HERE and help with the identification parade

Upper 6th 1981/2

Upper 6th 1981/2 - Part1


Upper 6th 1981/2 - Part 2


Upper 6th 1983/4 - Part 1

Upper 6th 1983/4 - Part2


Upper 6th 1983/4 - Part3


Upper 6th 1984/5


Upper 6th 1984/5 -Part 1


Upper 6th 1984/5 - Part 2



Upper 6th 1984/5 - Part 3


6th Form 1985/6


6th Form 1985/6 - Part 1


6th Form 1985/6 - Part 2


6th Form1985/6 - Part 3


6th Form 1988


6th Form 1988 - Part 1


6th Form 1988 - Part 2


6th Form 1988 - Part 3


All of the content on this site has been researched and provided by past pupils of Buckhurst Hill County High School. We are always interested in adding to this resource and ensuring the accuracy of the information on the site, so if you have further details regarding information on this page please click here.

If you have information that has not been allocated a page or you are unsure where it should go please click here.


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Buckhurst Hill County High School