Oz Branch Reunion 2010

Thanks to the tireless organising skills of Stuart Low another highly successful reunion was held in Sydney on 17th July. Once again attendance records were broken and the party again included some very long distance travellers. A full report will appear in the next edition of OB News.


If you want to be notified of future events in Australia, contact  Stuart and he will be happy to add you to the mailing list.


All of the content on this site has been researched and provided by past pupils of Buckhurst Hill County High School. We are always interested in adding to this resource and ensuring the accuracy of the information on the site, so if you have further details regarding information on this page please click here.

If you have information that has not been allocated a page or you are unsure where it should go please click here.


Are you involved?

Membership includes the bi-annual newsletter, and invitations to the Annual Dinner and other Network events.

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Buckhurst Hill County High School